
This component is used to display linked logos in situations where the site owners want to evidence accreditations or display sponsorships or partnerships.

Each item should include a title (used to generate link text), a link and a logo. The logo should ideally be a monochrome or black and white SVG. While other image formats can be used they may appear pixelated or blurred.

This component is used within @uol-widget-accreditation-logos and @uol-site-footer only and should not be used elsewhere.

When to use

  • When you need to evidence accreditations, partnerships or sponsorships.

When not to use

  • Do not use as an image gallery. There is a @uol-gallery pattern instead.

Image Guidance

To avoid scaling, ideally the logos should be SVG files or PNG files with a transparent background. Depending on their use (widget or footer), the following guidance should be applied.

When used within the widget (@uol-widget-accreditation-logos), the logos appear on a white background and consideration must be given to this when determining which logos to use, specifically ensuring a transparent or white background. When permitted use a grayscale logo on white/transparent background.

When used within the footer (@uol-site-footer), the logos appear on a dark background and consideration must be given to this when determining which logos to use, specifically ensuring a transparent background. For single colour logos the footer logo colour should be white.

<div class="uol-accreditations">
  {% for accreditation in accreditations.items %}
    <div class="uol-accreditation">
      <a class="uol-accreditation__link" href="{{ accreditation.url }}">
        <img class="uol-accreditation__logo" src="{{ accreditation.image.src }}" alt="{{ accreditation.title }} home page" >
  {% endfor %}
<div class="uol-accreditations">

    <div class="uol-accreditation">
        <a class="uol-accreditation__link" href="/link-1">
            <img class="uol-accreditation__logo" src="/placeholders/ph-accreditation-04.svg" alt="Association of MBAs home page">

    <div class="uol-accreditation">
        <a class="uol-accreditation__link" href="/link-2">
            <img class="uol-accreditation__logo" src="/placeholders/ph-accreditation-05.svg" alt="EFMD home page">

    <div class="uol-accreditation">
        <a class="uol-accreditation__link" href="/link-3">
            <img class="uol-accreditation__logo" src="/placeholders/ph-accreditation-06.svg" alt="AACSB home page">

    <div class="uol-accreditation">
        <a class="uol-accreditation__link" href="/link-4">
            <img class="uol-accreditation__logo" src="/placeholders/ph-accreditation-07.svg" alt="University of Leeds home page">

  • Content:
    $accreditation-border-width: 2px;
    .uol-accreditations {
      box-sizing: border-box;
      @media screen and (forced-colors: active) {
        background-color: #838383;
        forced-color-adjust: none;
      .uol-widget__content & {
        @include media(">=uol-media-m") {
          margin: 0 -#{$spacing-2};
          display: flex;
          flex-wrap: wrap;
        @include media(">=uol-media-l") {
          margin: 0 -#{$spacing-3};
        @include media(">=uol-media-xl") {
          margin: 0 -#{$spacing-4};
      .uol-site-footer & {
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: row;
        flex-wrap: wrap;
        justify-content: space-between;
        width: 18rem;
        @include media(">=uol-media-s", "<uol-media-m") {
          width: 16.5rem;
        @include media(">=uol-media-m") {
          width: 19rem;
        @include media(">=uol-media-l") {
          width: 49.5rem;
          justify-content: flex-start;
        @include media(">=uol-media-xl") {
          margin-top: $spacing-2;
        @media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active) {
          -ms-high-contrast-adjust: none;
          // TODO: IE11 hack
          .no-csspositionsticky & {
            background-color: #838383;
      .uol-accreditation {
        box-sizing: border-box;
        @include media(">=uol-media-m") {
          width: 50%;
          padding: 0 $spacing-2;
        @include media(">=uol-media-l") {
          padding: 0 $spacing-3;
        @include media(">=uol-media-xl") {
          width: 25%;
          padding: 0 $spacing-4;
        .uol-widget__content & {
          @include media(">=uol-media-m") {
            // when stacked in two columns, nudge up 3rd + onwards logos to avoid duplicate border
            &:nth-child(n+3) {
              margin-top: -#{$accreditation-border-width};
          @include media(">=uol-media-xl") {
            // when in four columns remove negative margin for items 3 and 4
            &:nth-child(n+3) {
              margin-top: 0;
            // add negative margin for 5th onwards items (2nd row and beyond)
            &:nth-child(n+5) {
              margin-top: -#{$accreditation-border-width};
          .uol-side-nav-container--populated + .uol-homepage-content & {
            @include media(">=uol-media-xl") {
              width: calc(100% / 3);
              &:nth-child(n+4) {
                margin-top: -#{$accreditation-border-width};
        .uol-site-footer & {
          height: 4.25rem;
          padding: 0;
          width: 8rem;
          @include media(">=uol-media-s", "<uol-media-m") {
            width: 7.125rem;
          @include media(">=uol-media-l") {
            width: fit-content;
            margin-right: $spacing-6;
          &:nth-child(-n+2) {
            margin-bottom: $spacing-5;
            @include media(">=uol-media-l") {
              margin-bottom: 0;
          &:nth-child(n+5) {
            margin-top: $spacing-5;
            @include media(">=uol-media-l") {
              margin-bottom: 0;
        .uol-accreditation__link {
          display: block;
          text-align: center;
          padding: $spacing-5 $spacing-7;
          .uol-widget__content & {
            display: flex;
            padding: $spacing-5 $spacing-7;
            min-height: 60px;
            justify-content: center;
            align-items: center;
            @include media(">=uol-media-m") {
              min-height: 80px;
            // all widget items have top border
            border-top: $accreditation-border-width solid $color-brand;
            @include media(">=uol-media-m") {
              // when NOT small (ie more than one column) items have a bottom border
              border-bottom: $accreditation-border-width solid $color-brand;
            @include media(">=uol-media-l") {
              padding: $spacing-5 0;
            &:focus {
              background-color: $color-brand--faded;
              outline: none;
          // if in widget and small and last item, have a bottom border
          .uol-widget__content .uol-accreditation:last-of-type & {
            border-bottom: $accreditation-border-width solid $color-brand;
          .uol-site-footer & {
            display: inline-block;
            height: 4.25rem;
            padding: 0;
            &:focus {
              outline: 1px dotted $color-brand--bright;
              outline-offset: 1px;
              transition: outline 0.66s ease-in;
        .uol-accreditation__logo {
          max-width: 100%;
          // TODO: IE11 hack
          .no-csspositionsticky & {
            height: auto;
            height: 100%;
            width: 100%;
            @include media(">=uol-media-s") {
              width: auto;
              height: auto;
          .uol-widget__content & {
            // Image scaled on hover - set non-hover size to be less than 1 to avoid distortion when scaled to 100%
            transform: scale3d(0.92, 0.92, 0.92);
            transition: transform 0.2s ease;
            max-height: 60px;
            vertical-align: middle;
            @include media(">=uol-media-m") {
              max-height: 80px;
            .uol-accreditation__link:focus & {
              transform: scale3d(1, 1, 1);
          .uol-site-footer & {
            vertical-align: middle;
            object-fit: contain;
            transform: translate(0, -50%);
            max-width: 8rem;
            margin: 1.5rem 0;
            height: 4.25rem;
            max-width: 8rem;
            @include media(">=uol-media-m") {
              height: 4.675rem;
              max-width: 8.8rem;
            // TODO: IE11 hack
            .no-csspositionsticky & {
              width: 100%;
              height: auto;
  • URL: /components/raw/uol-accreditation-logos/_accreditation-logos.scss
  • Filesystem Path: src/library/02-components/accreditation-logos/_accreditation-logos.scss
  • Size: 5.6 KB
  "accreditations": {
    "items": [
        "title": "Association of MBAs",
        "url": "/link-1",
        "image": {
          "src": "/placeholders/ph-accreditation-04.svg"
        "title": "EFMD",
        "url": "/link-2",
        "image": {
          "src": "/placeholders/ph-accreditation-05.svg"
        "title": "AACSB",
        "url": "/link-3",
        "image": {
          "src": "/placeholders/ph-accreditation-06.svg"
        "title": "University of Leeds",
        "url": "/link-4",
        "image": {
          "src": "/placeholders/ph-accreditation-07.svg"