A general article template to support a variety of uses including:

  • Default
  • News
  • Event
  • Profile
  • Person Insight
  • Blog

The visual layouts for each are article type are selected using the article_type option.


Name Type Description
article_type string Optional Used to control layout variations. Supports:
‘news’, ‘event’, ‘profile’, ‘person-insight’

See the context tab of each variant for examples of the data needed to populate each article type.

The following sections detail what goes in to each specific article pattern.

Default Article content

Must have

At least one paragraph.

Could include any of the following:

  • Headings H2 - 6
  • Intro paragraph
  • Paragraph
  • Category (link)
  • Images - single and multiple
  • Videos - single and multiple
  • Blockquote
  • Highlight
  • Accordions
  • Lists (ordered and unordered)
  • Tables
  • Links
  • CTA (Calls to action button) - editable to be dispalyed anywhere within the content block.
  • Related events suppliment
  • Side navigation

Should not display the following patterns:

  • Related news suppliment
  • Multi page document (previous /next)
  • Marketing profile suppliment
  • Pullquotes

Article: News

Article: News: Page heading component

(See page heading component and context tab for config structure)

  • Event title (H1)
  • Link to event category
  • Date

Article: News: Featured image component (optional)

Article: News: Article content

Must have at least one paragraph.

Other information as per the default options above

Article: News: Related news suplement (optional)

The news supplement allows content authors to tag related news stories to the original news article.

Why use this component?

Highlight to the user additional news stories relevant to the subject matter. This saves them from having to search for related information and showcases the depth of knowledge of the subject matter within the University.

There is no limit to the number of cards, although we recommend a maximum of 3 cards within this pattern.


Cards can be passed through the configuration:

'widgets': [
    'type': 'news-events',
    'title': 'Related news',
    'lead': '<p>This News and Events widget contains 8 cards. However, at certain screen sizes it will only display the first 6</p>',
    'link': {
      'url': '/news',
      'text': 'View all news',
    'cards': {
      'image_layout': true,
      'items': [
          'image': {
            'src': '/placeholders/banner/banner-01.jpg',
            'alt': 'A super informative description'
          'url': '#',
          'title': 'Leeds signs up to tackle waste in fashion',
          'date': '2021-05-07'


Article: Event

Article: Event: Page heading component

(See page heading component and context tab for config structure)

  • Event title (H1)
  • Link to event category

Article: Event: Info list component

  • First item to show Event date in format Thursday 3 December 2020

Further event information eg:

  • Time: 6pm-7pm
  • Location: Online via Zoom Webinar
  • Type: Lectures and seminars
  • Audience: Open to general public

Article: Event: Featured image component (optional)

Article: Event: Article content

Must have at least one paragraph.

Other information as per the default options above

Article: Event: Related events supplement (optional)

The events supplement allows content authors to promote additional upcoming events.

Highlight to the user additional upcoming events relevant to the subject matter. This saves them from having to search and showcases events within the University

Events are in chronological order from left to right, with the latest event shown first. There is no limit to the number of additional events that can be shown, although we recommend a maximum of 3 events within this pattern.


Events can be passed through the configuration:

'widgets': [
    'type': 'events',
    'title': 'Related events',
    'link': {
      'url': '/all-events-link',
      'text': 'View all events',
    'events': [
        "title": "Creating climate-resilient agri-food systems in sub-Saharan Africa",
        "link": "/some-event-link-6",
        "start": "2022-07-25 11:00",
        "end": "2022-08-25 16:30"


Article: Blog

Article: Blog: Article highlight (technical)

The article highlight component appears on the left hand side of the blog pattern (above related content) for desktop views. When the view is reduced <1024 px, it is then required to appear at the end of the article main content and above any related content items.

In order to achieve this a specific class is added to the uol-article-highlight component containing class. This class is called ‘uol-content-switch-from-side-to-main’.

Javascript is utilised to move this element to the correct position dependent upon screen size.

Any other elements which are to be added and repositioned above need to have the same class added to their top level container.

Article: Person Insight

The person insight variant of the article pattern follows a similar structure to other particle patterns, although mark up is slightly different - specifically the @uol-info-list is placed within the header (other patterns include this with the article content) in order to align content with designs.

@uol-profile-image - compulsory image with square dimensions at least 300px. Must be headshot of person. Note this image is cropped to a circle when choosing your square image.


For this pattern the info list component can contain any number of items (eg. course, year of graduation, nationality) but advised to be no more than four items.

Article: Profile

@uol-page-heading - required. Including person name and person job title

@uol-profile-image - optional image with square dimensions at least 350px. Must be headshot of person. Note this image is cropped to a circle when choosing your square image.

@uol-info-list - facts about the person. Examples: areas of expertise, email address, location and websites.

@uol-article-section - sections relating to the user. This pattern differs from other article patterns, in that the main body of text is split up into different sections (section headings displayed alongside sections in this pattern). Each section has one title (H2). Other content can appear within these sections as per default content, note that inner content headings must start at H3 level.

Article: Profile COULD contain the following:

Headings H3 - 6
Paragraph Images - single and multiple Videos - single and multiple Snippett Lists (ordered and unordered) Links Accordions (used to display publications) CTA (Calls to action button) - editable to be dispalyed anywhere within the content block.

Article: Profile SHOULD NOT display the following patterns

Tables Blockquote Intro paragraph (lead sentence) Side navigation Related news suppliment Related events suppliment Pullquotes Multi page document (previous/next) Marketing profile supplement

{% extends '@uol-template-article' %}

{% block page_content %}

  {% render '@uol-article', {
    page_heading: page_heading,
    form: form,
    rich_text_content: rich_text_content,
    rich_text_lead: rich_text_lead,
    iframe: iframe,
    article_highlight: article_highlight,
    profile_image: profile_image,
    image_featured: image_featured,
    article_type: article_type,
    info_list: info_list,
    article: article,
    sections: sections,
    supplements: supplements,
    accordions: accordions,
    widgets: widgets
  } %}

  {% render '@uol-section-nav-ctas', { ctas: section_ctas } %}
  {% render '@uol-section-nav-related-content', { related_content: section_related } %}

{% endblock %}
<div class="uol-header">
    <header class="uol-global-masthead-outer uol-global-masthead-outer--with-local-navigation">
        <div class="uol-global-masthead uol-content-container">
            <div class="uol-global-masthead__inner">
                <a class="uol-skip-link" href="#main">Skip to main content</a>
                <a class="uol-global-masthead__home" href="https://leeds.ac.uk">
                    <svg class="uol-logo-uol-inline" width="286px" height="40px" viewBox="0 0 286 40" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" focusable="false" aria-hidden="true">
                        <g stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
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                                    <path d="M137.49,27.75 C135.14,23.8 133.65,21.22 132.86,20.75 L132.86,20.75 C134.52497,20.1129167 135.639353,18.532231 135.68,16.75 C135.68,14.36 134.19,12.27 130.05,12.27 L125.52,12.27 L125.52,27.75 L128.78,27.75 L128.78,21.75 L129.92,21.75 C130.49,21.97 131.43,23.75 133.78,27.75 L137.49,27.75 Z M132.49,17.03 C132.512387,18.2982154 131.50799,19.3472518 130.24,19.38 L128.75,19.38 L128.75,14.92 L130.11,14.92 C130.7095,14.8426398 131.31339,15.0261093 131.768537,15.4238853 C132.223685,15.8216613 132.486376,16.39554 132.49,17 L132.49,17.03 Z"></path>
                                    <path d="M148.78,23.39 C148.78,18.49 142.11,18.76 142.11,16.04 C142.11,15.15 143,14.63 144.11,14.63 C145.425193,14.6783583 146.704585,15.071487 147.82,15.77 L147.82,12.98 C146.617964,12.3388574 145.27211,12.0153018 143.91,12.04 C140.49,12.04 138.63,14.1 138.63,16.47 C138.606448,17.4826835 138.96324,18.4674294 139.63,19.23 C141.53,21.37 145.29,21.72 145.29,23.78 C145.29,24.95 144.03,25.37 142.84,25.37 C141.564416,25.3277619 140.3296,24.9103591 139.29,24.17 L138.04,26.5 C139.513506,27.5085649 141.264687,28.0328708 143.05,28 C146.24,28 148.76,26.24 148.76,23.4 L148.78,23.39 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path>
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                                        7 October 2020







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                    <p>The University is to help spearhead a national programme of technological revolution backed by the UK Space Agency.</p>

                    <p>World-leading research in climate change, space and planetary science, navigation and transport, advanced computer techniques and instrumentation design is already carried out at Leeds Academics are working on global issues ranging from air quality, weather forecasting and sea level impact to flood alerts, earthquakes and polar glaciers.</p>

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                        <p>It aims to identify existing industry strengths while unearthing challenges and knowledge gaps to develop a strong and sustainable space hub.</p>

                    <p>Now that expertise will underpin an ambitious programme which aims to bring together development and investment in new digital and space-related technology approaches.</p>

                    <p>The project will see the University, Leeds City Region Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and other partners work together to further develop an emerging Local Space Hub across West Yorkshire, including Bradford, Calderdale, Kirklees, Leeds and Wakefield.</p>

                    <p>It aims to identify existing industry strengths while unearthing challenges and knowledge gaps to develop a strong and sustainable space hub in these West Yorkshire regions over the next five to ten years.</p>

                        <img alt="Polar bear with cubs on ice sheet" src="/placeholders/ph-news-14.jpg">
                        <figcaption>Picture credit: <a href=#>The person who has taken this photograph</a></figcaption>

                    <p>World-leading research in climate change, space and planetary science, navigation and transport, advanced computer techniques and instrumentation design is already carried out at Leeds Academics are working on global issues ranging from air quality, weather forecasting and sea level impact to flood alerts, earthquakes and polar glaciers. Now that expertise will underpin an ambitious programme which aims to bring together development and investment in new digital and space-related technology approaches.</p>

                        <p>A successful design system liberates the team from reinventing the wheel. It allows you to focus on what really matters</p>
                            <cite>Andrew Couldwell, Laying the Foundations</cite>

                    <p>Dr Anna Hogg, University Academic Fellow and Earth observation expert at <a href=#>Leeds&apos; School of Earth and Environment</a>, said space activity such as examining satellite data was essential for monitoring the Earth&apos;s climate.</p>

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                        <p>It aims to identify existing industry strengths while unearthing challenges and knowledge gaps to develop a strong and sustainable space hub</p>

                    <p>&ldquo;This enables us to measure pollutants in the air we breathe, the health of forests and crops, and the speed of colossal glaciers on the Antarctic Ice Sheet that cause sea levels to rise,” she said.</p>

                    <p>&ldquo;This work will be of great benefit to the local, national, and international Space community for years to come.
                    <p>&ldquo;As a scientist, it&apos;s my job to discover something new about how the world works every day. I can&apos;t think of a more meaningful or exciting career to pursue.&rdquo;</p>

                    <p>The six-month programme, supported by £80,000 in funding from the UK Space Agency (UKSA), is one of seven projects announced today.</p>

                    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/AjvkAkHZAzc" title="YouTube video player - Studying abroad" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

                    <p>Science Minister Amanda Solloway said: &ldquo;The UK&apos;s space sector has shown incredible resilience to the coronavirus pandemic and will continue to play a key role in our recovery – from creating high quality jobs to finding unique ways to support our NHS.</p>

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                        <p>It aims to identify existing industry strengths while unearthing challenges and knowledge gaps to develop a strong and sustainable space hub</p>

                    <p>&ldquo;This funding will arm local leaders up and down the UK with the tools they need to put their local areas at the front of the commercial space race, while refuelling the tank of the UK economy and helping Britain realise its ambitions as a global space superpower.&rdquo;</p>

                    <p>In the last decade, space has transformed into one of the UK&apos;s fastest sectors. The UK space industry now employs close to 42,000 people nationally and generates income of nearly £15 billion every year.</p>

                    <p>Professor Nick Plant, Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research and Innovation at the University, said: &ldquo;Challenge-led innovation sits at the heart of national and international research networks.</p>

                    <p>&ldquo;The UK has world-leading expertise in the space sector, and the University of Leeds is proud to be supporting entrepreneurship in the North, through the development of a regional space hub here in the Leeds City Region.&rdquo;</p>

                        <p>99.9 per cent of our objects to climate change have nothing to do with the science. They have everything to do solution aversion.</p>

                    <p>If harnessed as part of a Local Space Hub, these businesses have the potential to set the Leeds City Region apart from other areas both in the UK and globally.</p>

                        <img alt="International Space Station" src="/placeholders/ph-news-15.jpg">
                        <figcaption>There is gravity on the International Space Station, but astronauts appear to be weightless because both the space station and the astronauts are in free fall. <a href=#>Picture credit: ESA</a></figcaption>

                    <p>Among those supporting the Local Space Hub is Matthew Bray, CEO of SatSense - a University of Leeds spin-out company that uses satellite data to monitor ground movement across the UK.</p>

                    <p>He said: &ldquo;As a growing tech start-up with innovation at our core - access to talent, resources and customers are central to our needs.

                    <p>&ldquo;We&apos;re proud to call Leeds home, as there is no better place to meet our current needs and ambitious plans for the future.&rdquo;</p>

                    <p>Mandy Ridyard, board member of the Leeds City Region LEP and CEO of Bradford-based aerospace engineering company Produmax said: &ldquo;This dynamic initiative aims to develop a world-leading regional space hub.</p>

                    <p>&ldquo;Accelerating economic growth through technology and innovation is a priority for the Leeds City Region LEP, and this exciting work will create new opportunities by harnessing the world-class expertise and talent already in our region.&rdquo;</p>

                        <caption>Table of planetary statistics</caption>
                                <th>Name of planet</th>
                                <th>Average temperatre</th>
                                <th>Average distance from the sun </th>
                                <td>-183°C to 427°C</td>
                                <td>57,900,00 km</td>
                                <td>108,160,000 km </td>
                                <td>149,600,000 km</td>
                                <td>227,936,640 km</td>

                    <h2>Further information</h2>

                    <p>Dr Anna Hogg is co-director of the <a href=#>NERC SENSE Centre for Doctoral Training</a> which is training 50 new PhD students to become Earth observation experts. Applications for SENSE PhD studentships are currently open.</p>

                    <p>For further details, contact University of Leeds press officer <a href=mailto:example@example.com>i.rosser@leeds.ac.uk</a></p>



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    "title": "Space research aims to boost Yorkshire economy",
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            "datetime": "2020-10-07 20:00"
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    "content": "\n          <p>The University is to help spearhead a national programme of technological revolution backed by the UK Space Agency.</p>\n\n          <p>World-leading research in climate change, space and planetary science, navigation and transport, advanced computer techniques and instrumentation design is already carried out at Leeds Academics are working on global issues ranging from air quality, weather forecasting and sea level impact to flood alerts, earthquakes and polar glaciers.</p>\n\n          <div aria-hidden=\"true\"  class=\"uol-typography-pull-quote uol-typography-pull-quote--left\" >\n          <p>It aims to identify existing industry strengths while unearthing challenges and knowledge gaps to develop a strong and sustainable space hub.</p>\n          </div>\n\n          <p>Now that expertise will underpin an ambitious programme which aims to bring together development and investment in new digital and space-related technology approaches.</p>\n\n          <p>The project will see the University, Leeds City Region Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and other partners work together to further develop an emerging Local Space Hub across West Yorkshire, including Bradford, Calderdale, Kirklees, Leeds and Wakefield.</p>\n\n          <p>It aims to identify existing industry strengths while unearthing challenges and knowledge gaps to develop a strong and sustainable space hub in these West Yorkshire regions over the next five to ten years.</p>\n\n          <figure>\n            <img alt=\"Polar bear with cubs on ice sheet\" src=\"/placeholders/ph-news-14.jpg\">\n            <figcaption>Picture credit: <a href=#>The person who has taken this photograph</a></figcaption>\n          </figure>\n\n          <p>World-leading research in climate change, space and planetary science, navigation and transport, advanced computer techniques and instrumentation design is already carried out at Leeds Academics are working on global issues ranging from air quality, weather forecasting and sea level impact to flood alerts, earthquakes and polar glaciers. Now that expertise will underpin an ambitious programme which aims to bring together development and investment in new digital and space-related technology approaches.</p>\n\n          <blockquote>\n            <p>A successful design system liberates the team from reinventing the wheel. It allows you to focus on what really matters</p>\n            <footer>\n              <cite>Andrew Couldwell, Laying the Foundations</cite>\n            </footer>\n          </blockquote>\n\n          <p>Dr Anna Hogg, University Academic Fellow and Earth observation expert at <a href=#>Leeds&apos; School of Earth and Environment</a>, said space activity such as examining satellite data was essential for monitoring the Earth&apos;s climate.</p>\n\n          <div aria-hidden=\"true\" class=\"uol-typography-pull-quote uol-typography-pull-quote--left\">\n            <p>It aims to identify existing industry strengths while unearthing challenges and knowledge gaps to develop a strong and sustainable space hub</p>\n          </div>\n\n          <p>&ldquo;This enables us to measure pollutants in the air we breathe, the health of forests and crops, and the speed of colossal glaciers on the Antarctic Ice Sheet that cause sea levels to rise,” she said.</p>\n\n          <p>&ldquo;This work will be of great benefit to the local, national, and international Space community for years to come.<p>&ldquo;As a scientist, it&apos;s my job to discover something new about how the world works every day. I can&apos;t think of a more meaningful or exciting career to pursue.&rdquo;</p>\n\n\n\n          <p>The six-month programme, supported by £80,000 in funding from the UK Space Agency (UKSA), is one of seven projects announced today.</p>\n\n          <iframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/AjvkAkHZAzc\" title=\"YouTube video player - Studying abroad\" allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture\" allowfullscreen></iframe>\n\n\n\n          <p>Science Minister Amanda Solloway said: &ldquo;The UK&apos;s space sector has shown incredible resilience to the coronavirus pandemic and will continue to play a key role in our recovery – from creating high quality jobs to finding unique ways to support our NHS.</p>\n\n          <div aria-hidden=\"true\" class=\"uol-typography-pull-quote uol-typography-pull-quote--left\">\n            <p>It aims to identify existing industry strengths while unearthing challenges and knowledge gaps to develop a strong and sustainable space hub</p>\n          </div>\n\n          <p>&ldquo;This funding will arm local leaders up and down the UK with the tools they need to put their local areas at the front of the commercial space race, while refuelling the tank of the UK economy and helping Britain realise its ambitions as a global space superpower.&rdquo;</p>\n\n          <p>In the last decade, space has transformed into one of the UK&apos;s fastest sectors. The UK space industry now employs close to 42,000 people nationally and generates income of nearly £15 billion every year.</p>\n\n          <p>Professor Nick Plant, Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research and Innovation at the University, said: &ldquo;Challenge-led innovation sits at the heart of national and international research networks.</p>\n\n          <p>&ldquo;The UK has world-leading expertise in the space sector, and the University of Leeds is proud to be supporting entrepreneurship in the North, through the development of a regional space hub here in the Leeds City Region.&rdquo;</p>\n\n          <blockquote>\n          <p>99.9 per cent of our objects to climate change have nothing to do with the science. They have everything to do solution aversion.</p>\n          </blockquote>\n\n          <p>If harnessed as part of a Local Space Hub, these businesses have the potential to set the Leeds City Region apart from other areas both in the UK and globally.</p>\n\n          <figure>\n            <img alt=\"International Space Station\" src=\"/placeholders/ph-news-15.jpg\">\n            <figcaption>There is gravity on the International Space Station, but astronauts appear to be weightless because both the space station and the astronauts are in free fall. <a href=#>Picture credit: ESA</a></figcaption>\n          </figure>\n\n          <p>Among those supporting the Local Space Hub is Matthew Bray, CEO of SatSense - a University of Leeds spin-out company that uses satellite data to monitor ground movement across the UK.</p>\n\n          <p>He said: &ldquo;As a growing tech start-up with innovation at our core - access to talent, resources and customers are central to our needs.\n\n          <p>&ldquo;We&apos;re proud to call Leeds home, as there is no better place to meet our current needs and ambitious plans for the future.&rdquo;</p>\n\n          <p>Mandy Ridyard, board member of the Leeds City Region LEP and CEO of Bradford-based aerospace engineering company Produmax said: &ldquo;This dynamic initiative aims to develop a world-leading regional space hub.</p>\n\n          <p>&ldquo;Accelerating economic growth through technology and innovation is a priority for the Leeds City Region LEP, and this exciting work will create new opportunities by harnessing the world-class expertise and talent already in our region.&rdquo;</p>\n\n          <table>\n            <caption>Table of planetary statistics</caption>\n            <thead>\n              <tr>\n                <th>Name of planet</th>\n                <th>Average temperatre</th>\n                <th>Average distance from the sun </th>\n              </tr>\n            </thead>\n            <tbody>\n              <tr>\n                <td>Mercury</td>\n                <td>-183°C to 427°C</td>\n                <td>57,900,00 km</td>\n              </tr>\n              <tr>\n                <td>Venus</td>\n                <td>480°C</td>\n                <td>108,160,000 km </td>\n              </tr>\n              <tr>\n                <td>Earth</td>\n                <td>14°C</td>\n                <td>149,600,000 km</td>\n              </tr>\n              <tr>\n                <td>Mars</td>\n                <td>-63°C</td>\n                <td>227,936,640 km</td>\n              </tr>\n            </tbody>\n          </table>\n\n\n\n          <h2>Further information</h2>\n\n          <p>Dr Anna Hogg is co-director of the <a href=#>NERC SENSE Centre for Doctoral Training</a> which is training 50 new PhD students to become Earth observation experts. Applications for SENSE PhD studentships are currently open.</p>\n\n          <p>For further details, contact University of Leeds press officer <a href=mailto:example@example.com>i.rosser@leeds.ac.uk</a></p>"
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