
Index tables allow you to present structured data. This is the type of data that typically comes from JSON or databases where the data structure is predictable.

This differs from the @uol-rich-text-table for use in Rich Text Areas where authors can edit the table content.

If the data can be presented with a single heading row and does not rely on column headings there is the option to present a “stacked” view for smaller screens. See Options for tables.

When to use

  • Where data is predictable and comes from a structured source such as JSON or a database

When not to use

  • Where the data is unpredictable or can be edited by a CMS editor

Developer guidance


Name Type Description
tables array An array of tables.

Options for tables

Name Type Description
stackable boolean Provides a “stacked” view for smaller screens. Only use when date has a single heading row.
caption string Provides a title for the table, renders as a <h2>. Recommended unless preceded by an alternative semantic title.
headings array The table headings, includes a “label: string that provides the cell data and boolean options for ‘image_column’ ‘sortable’ and ‘numeric’ which affect layout and functionality.
rows array Each table row contains an array of ‘cells’ with the following required or optional fields:

Required: ‘content’ string.

Optional: ‘type’ that currently accepts a value of ‘numeric’.

Optional: ‘img’ object that can have a ‘src’, ‘alt’ and ‘type’ (currently accepts ‘profile’).

Optional: ‘link’ URL which acts as an active link.

Optional: ‘sortBy’ string can be added for when the data is to be sorted by a value other than the displayed content (eg. ‘content’: ‘Dr Richard Ansell’, ‘sortBy’: ‘Ansell Richard Dr’). This should also be used when the displayed content is a mixture of text and numerical data and the content is to be sorted by the numerical value (eg. ‘content’: ‘£8’, ‘sortBy’: ‘8’).
{% for table in tables %}
  {% if table.caption %}<h2 class="uol-index-table-caption">{{ table.caption }}</h2>{% endif %}
  {% if table.search_results and table.search_results.term %}
    <div class="uol-index-table--results-container">
      <h2 class="uol-index-table--results">{{ table.rows.length }} results for <strong>'{{ table.search_results.term }}'</strong></h2>
  {% endif %}
  <table class="uol-index-table{{ ' js-uolTableStackable' if table.stackable}} {{ ' uol-index-table--search-results' if table.search_results}}">

    {# Currently unused due to Safari position: sticky bug #}
    {# {% if table.caption %}<caption>{{ table.caption }}</caption>{% endif %} #}

    {% if table.headings.length > 0 %}
          {% for heading in table.headings%}
              class="uol-index-table__th {{ 'uol-index-table__th--numeric' if heading.numeric }} {{ 'uol-index-table__th--image-column' if heading.image_column }}"
              {{ ' data-sortable=true' if heading.sortable }}>
              {{ heading.label }}
          {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}

    {% if table.rows.length > 0%}
        {% for row in table.rows %}
            {% for cell in row.cells %}
                class="uol-index-table__td {{ 'uol-index-table__td--type-img' if cell.img }} {{ 'uol-index-table__td--type-numeric' if cell.type=='numeric' }}"
                data-value="{{ cell.content }}"
                {% if cell.sortBy %}
                  data-sortby="{{ cell.sortBy }}"
                {% endif%}
                {% if %}<a href="{{ }}">{% endif %}
                {{ cell.content }}
                {% if cell.img %}
                    class="uol-index-table__td__img uol-index-table__td__img--profile"
                    {% if cell.img.src %}
                      aria-label="{{ cell.img.alt }}"
                      style="background-image: url({{ cell.img.src }})"
                    {% endif%}
                    {% if cell.sortBy %}
                      data-sortkey="{{ cell.sortBy }}"
                    {% endif%}
                {% endif %}
                {% if %}</a>{% endif %}

                {% if %}
                  <a href="mailto:{{}}">{{}}</a>
                {% endif %}
            {% endfor %}
        {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<h2 class="uol-index-table-caption">Staff</h2>

<table class="uol-index-table js-uolTableStackable ">


            <th class="uol-index-table__th  uol-index-table__th--image-column">

            <th class="uol-index-table__th  ">

            <th class="uol-index-table__th  ">




            <td class="uol-index-table__td uol-index-table__td--type-img " data-value="Aliza Carpenter">

                Aliza Carpenter

                <span class="uol-index-table__td__img uol-index-table__td__img--profile" role="img" aria-label="Aliza Carpenter photo" style="background-image: url(/placeholders/ph-profile-student-02.jpg)">


            <td class="uol-index-table__td  " data-value="Data Analyst">

                Data Analyst


            <td class="uol-index-table__td  " data-value="IT">





            <td class="uol-index-table__td uol-index-table__td--type-img " data-value="Zakaria Healy">

                Zakaria Healy

                <span class="uol-index-table__td__img uol-index-table__td__img--profile" role="img" aria-label="Zakaria Healy photo" style="background-image: url(/placeholders/ph-profile-student-01.jpg)">


            <td class="uol-index-table__td  " data-value="System Administrator">

                System Administrator


            <td class="uol-index-table__td  " data-value="IT">





            <td class="uol-index-table__td uol-index-table__td--type-img " data-value="Ameena Donovan">

                Ameena Donovan

                <span class="uol-index-table__td__img uol-index-table__td__img--profile">


            <td class="uol-index-table__td  " data-value="QA Tester">

                QA Tester


            <td class="uol-index-table__td  " data-value="IT">





            <td class="uol-index-table__td uol-index-table__td--type-img " data-value="Melanie Alston">

                Melanie Alston

                <span class="uol-index-table__td__img uol-index-table__td__img--profile" role="img" aria-label="Melanie Alston photo" style="background-image: url(/placeholders/ph-profile-student-04.jpg)">


            <td class="uol-index-table__td  " data-value="Network Administrator">

                Network Administrator


            <td class="uol-index-table__td  " data-value="IT">





            <td class="uol-index-table__td uol-index-table__td--type-img " data-value="Nicky Roberson">

                Nicky Roberson

                <span class="uol-index-table__td__img uol-index-table__td__img--profile" role="img" aria-label="Nicky Roberson photo" style="background-image: url(/placeholders/ph-profile-student-05.jpg)">


            <td class="uol-index-table__td  " data-value="Database Administrator">

                Database Administrator


            <td class="uol-index-table__td  " data-value="IT">





            <td class="uol-index-table__td uol-index-table__td--type-img " data-value="Callie Barclay">

                Callie Barclay

                <span class="uol-index-table__td__img uol-index-table__td__img--profile" role="img" aria-label="Callie Barclay photo" style="background-image: url(/placeholders/ph-profile-student-06.jpg)">


            <td class="uol-index-table__td  " data-value="Network Technician">

                Network Technician


            <td class="uol-index-table__td  " data-value="IT">





            <td class="uol-index-table__td uol-index-table__td--type-img " data-value="Caolan Stout">

                Caolan Stout

                <span class="uol-index-table__td__img uol-index-table__td__img--profile" role="img" aria-label="Caolan Stout photo" style="background-image: url(/placeholders/ph-profile-student-07.jpg)">


            <td class="uol-index-table__td  " data-value="Devops Engineer">

                Devops Engineer


            <td class="uol-index-table__td  " data-value="IT">





  • Content:
    .uol-index-table-caption {
      @extend %text-size-heading-4;
      color: $color-font--dark;
      margin: $spacing-4 0 0;
      padding: $spacing-4;
      @include media("<uol-media-m") {
        border: 1px solid $color-border--light;
        border-radius: 6px 6px 0 0;
    .uol-index-table--results-container {
      padding: $spacing-4;
      @include media(">uol-media-m") {
        text-align: right;
    .uol-index-table--results {
      @include font-size-responsive(1rem);
    .uol-index-table {
      @extend %text-size-paragraph--small;
      border-collapse: unset;
      margin-bottom: $spacing-4;
      border: 1px solid $color-border--light;
      font-variant-numeric: lining-nums;
      @include media(">=uol-media-m") {
        margin: $spacing-4;
        position: relative;
        border-radius: 12px;
      // Currently unused due to Safari position: sticky bug
      // caption {
      //     font-size: 18px;
      //     font-weight: 600;
      //     color: $color-font--dark;
      // }
      thead {
        border-radius: 6px 6px 0 0;
        @include media(">=uol-media-m") {
          z-index: 2;
          border-radius: 0;
      td {
        vertical-align: top;
        @include media(">=uol-media-m") {
          padding: $spacing-4;
      th {
        font-weight: $font-weight-medium--sans-serif;
        @include media(">=uol-media-m") {
          text-align: left;
          position: sticky;
          top: 0;
          padding-bottom: 20px;
          background: $color-white;
          z-index: 2;
          // transform: translateZ(0) scaleX(1.01);
          &:first-of-type {
            border-radius: 12px 0 0 0;
          &:last-of-type {
            border-radius: 0 12px 0 0;
          .csspositionsticky & {
            &::before {
              content: "";
              display: block;
              position: absolute;
              top: 0;
              bottom: -4px;
              left: 0;
              right: 0;
              background: linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(#000, 0) 0, rgba(#000, 0.4) 4px, rgba(#000, 0) 4px);
              opacity: 0;
              transition: opacity 0.7s ease;
          &.uol-index-table__th--numeric {
            text-align: right;
          &.uol-index-table__th--image-column {
            @include media(">=uol-media-m") {
              padding-left: 6.5rem;
      .thead--stuck th {
        @include media(">=uol-media-m") {
          &::before {
            opacity: 1;
          &:last-of-type {
            border-radius: 0;
      td {
        color: $color-font;
        a {
          color: $color-font;
          text-decoration: underline;
          &:focus {
            text-decoration-color: $color-brand;
      tbody {
        line-height: 1.5;
        @include media(">=uol-media-m") {
          z-index: 1;
        tr {
          transition: all 0.3s ease;
          @include media(">=uol-media-m") {
            &:nth-child(odd) {
              background: $color-grey--faded;
            &:last-of-type {
              td {
                &:first-of-type {
                  border-radius: 0 0 0 12px;
                &:last-of-type {
                  border-radius: 0 0 12px 0;
        td {
          @include media(">=uol-media-m") {
            border-bottom: 1px solid $color-border--light;
        tr:last-of-type td {
          border-bottom: none;
      .uol-index-table__td--type-numeric {
        @include media(">=uol-media-m") {
          text-align: right;
      .uol-index-table__td--type-img {
        position: relative;
        margin-top: -#{$spacing-4};
        margin-left: -#{$spacing-4};
        margin-right: -#{$spacing-4};
        padding: $spacing-4 $spacing-4 $spacing-4 6.5rem;
        &::before {
          content: "";
          float: left;
          overflow: hidden;
          height: $spacing-8;
          font-size: 0;
      .uol-index-table__td__img {
        position: absolute;
        top: 8px;
        left: 8px;
        display: block;
        width: 80px;
        height: 80px;
        background-color: $color-white;
        border-radius: 50%;
        overflow: hidden;
        @include media(">=uol-media-m") {
          width: 64px;
          height: 64px;
          top: 16px;
        &::after {
          content: "";
          display: block;
          position: absolute;
          top: 0;
          right: 0;
          width: inherit;
          height: inherit;
          border-radius: inherit;
        &::before {
          background: 50% / cover;
          background-image: inherit;
        &::after {
          box-shadow: inset 0 2px 5px rgba($color-black, 0.16);
      .uol-index-table__td__img--profile {
        background: $color-white url("../img/avatar-missing.png");
      .uol-index-table__sort-select {
        display: block;
        font-weight: $font-weight-bold--sans-serif;
        width: 100%;
        margin: 0;
        padding: $spacing-4;
        border-color: $color-border;
        border-radius: 0;
        @supports (-webkit-appearance:none) {
          -webkit-appearance: none;
          -moz-appearance: none;
          appearance: none;
          background: url("../img/sort.svg") no-repeat right $spacing-4 top 50%;
        @media (-ms-high-contrast: active) {
          -webkit-appearance: menulist;
          -moz-appearance: menulist;
          appearance: menulist;
          background: initial;
        @include media(">=uol-media-m") {
          display: none;
      .uol-index-table__th-inner {
        display: flex;
      .uol-index-table__btn-sort {
        position: relative;
        width: 25px;
        height: 24px;
        background: transparent;
        border: none;
        @include media("<uol-media-m") {
          display: none;
        &::after {
          content: "";
          display: block;
          position: absolute;
          width: 0;
          height: 0;
          left: 8px;
          border: 0.35rem solid transparent;
          border-bottom: none;
          border-top: 0.4rem solid $color-black--dark;
          @media (forced-colors: active) {
            border: 0.35rem solid canvas;
            border-top: 0.4rem solid $color-black--dark;
          @media (-ms-high-contrast: active) {
            border: 0.35rem solid window;
            border-top: 0.4rem solid windowText;
        &::before {
          transform: rotate(180deg) translateY(120%);
        &::after {
          transform: translateY(20%);
        &.sorted--asc {
          &::after {
            opacity: 0;
        &.sorted--desc {
          &::before {
            opacity: 0;
    // uol-index-table--stacked class added with javascript
    .uol-index-table--stacked {
      margin: 0 0 $spacing-4;
      border-radius: 12px;
      @include media("<uol-media-m") {
        display: block;
        border-collapse: separate;
        border-radius: 0 0 6px 6px;
        // Currently unused due to Safari position: sticky bug
        // caption {
        //     padding: 16px;
        //     line-height: 1.333;
        //     background-color: $color-cream--dark;
        //     border-bottom: 4px solid hotpink;
        // }
        thead {
          position: absolute !important;
          clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);
          height: 1px;
          width: 1px;
          overflow: hidden;
          left: -9999px;
        tbody {
          display: block;
          tr {
            display: block;
            margin-bottom: 0;
          td {
            display: block;
            padding: $spacing-4;
            color: $color-font--dark;
            &:first-of-type {
              background: $color-grey--faded;
            &:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) {
              border-bottom: 1px solid $color-border--light;
          .uol-index-table__td--type-img {
            position: relative;
            background: $color-cream--dark;
            padding: $spacing-5 $spacing-4 $spacing-5 7rem;
            margin: 0;
          .uol-index-table__td__img {
            position: absolute;
            top: $spacing-4;
            left: $spacing-4;
            display: block;
            width: $spacing-9;
            height: $spacing-9;
            background-color: $color-white;
            border-radius: 50%;
            overflow: hidden;
            &::after {
              content: "";
              display: block;
              position: absolute;
              top: 0;
              right: 0;
              width: inherit;
              height: inherit;
              border-radius: inherit;
            &::before {
              background: 50% / cover;
              background-image: inherit;
            &::after {
              box-shadow: inset 0 2px 5px rgba($color-black, 0.16);
            img {
              width: 100%;
              height: auto;
    .uol-index-table--search-results {
      @include media("<uol-media-m") {
        border-radius: 6px;
        .uol-index-table__sort-select {
          border-radius: 6px 6px 0 0;
    .uol-index-table__pseudo-th {
      display: block;
      font-weight: $font-weight-bold--sans-serif;
      color: $color-font;
      margin-bottom: $spacing-1;
      @include media(">=uol-media-m") {
        display: none;
  • URL: /components/raw/uol-index-table/_index-table.scss
  • Filesystem Path: src/library/02-components/index-table/_index-table.scss
  • Size: 8.8 KB
  • Content:
    // TODO: Add colspan support
    export const uolTableStackable = () => {
      // Config
        stackableTableClass = '.js-uolTableStackable',
        stackableTablePseudoThClass = 'uol-index-table__pseudo-th',
        stackedTableClass = 'uol-index-table--stacked';
      // Get tables
      const tables = document.querySelectorAll(stackableTableClass);
      // Process tables
      tables.forEach( (table) => {
        const ths = table.querySelectorAll('thead th');
        const rows = table.querySelectorAll('tbody tr');
        rows.forEach( (row) => {
          const cells = row.querySelectorAll('td')
          cells.forEach( (cell, i) => {
            cell.innerHTML = `
    export const uolTablesSortable = () => {
      let ascending;
      const sortRowsByIndex = (table, colNumber) => {
        const tBody = table.querySelector('tbody');
        const rows = tBody.rows;
        let newTableArray = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < (rows.length); i++) {
          newTableArray[i] = rows[i];
         * Sort function - switches through adjacent table elements
         * Sorts in array, no swapping in DOM
         * @param {element} a - first element to compare
         * @param {element} b - second element to compare
         * @returns {number} if -ve a is sorted before b, +ve b before a, 0 no change
        newTableArray.sort(function(a, b){
          let aElement = a.getElementsByTagName("TD")[colNumber];
          let bElement = b.getElementsByTagName("TD")[colNumber];
          let aItem = aElement.dataset.sortby ?
            aElement.dataset.sortby :
          let bItem = bElement.dataset.sortby ?
            bElement.dataset.sortby :
           * Nested ternary return statement
           * Outer checks if both values are number or not
           * Inner checks ascending boolean
           * Returns -ve, +ve or 0
          return (!isNaN(parseFloat(aItem)) && !isNaN(parseFloat(bItem)) ? 
            ascending ? aItem - bItem : bItem - aItem :
            ascending ? ('' + aItem).localeCompare(bItem) : ('' + bItem).localeCompare(aItem)
        /** after sort completed build new table body from sorted array */
        let newTBody = '';
        for (let i = 0; i < (newTableArray.length); i++) {
          newTBody += '<tr>' + newTableArray[i].innerHTML + '</tr>';
        /** update DOM with new sorted table body content */
        tBody.innerHTML = newTBody;
      const tables = document.querySelectorAll('.uol-index-table');
      tables.forEach( (table) => {
        const tableHeadings = table.querySelectorAll('thead th');
        /** Create map for mobile dropdown */
        let mobileSortableColumns = new Map();
        tableHeadings.forEach( (th, index) => {
          if (th.dataset.sortable) {
            const thValue = th.innerText;
            th.innerHTML = `<span class="uol-index-table__th-inner"><span class="uol-index-table__sortable-label">${thValue}</span></span>`
            // Add value to mobile dropdown map
            mobileSortableColumns.set(index, thValue);
            const sortButton = document.createElement('button');
            sortButton.type = 'button';
            sortButton.setAttribute('aria-label', 'Sort column');
            sortButton.onclick = () => {
              const allTh = table.querySelectorAll('thead th');
              const thisBtn = allTh[index].querySelector('button');
             if (thisBtn.classList.contains('sorted--asc')) {
                ascending = false;
              } else {
                ascending = true;
              // Reset all the other buttons
              allTh.forEach( (th, i) => {
                // Don't reset the button just clicked
                if (i != index) {
                  // Get the button
                  const otherBtn = th.querySelector('button');
                  // Not all th have buttons
                  if (otherBtn) {
              sortRowsByIndex(table, index);
        if (mobileSortableColumns.size > 0) {
          let selectSort = document.createElement('select');
          selectSort.setAttribute('aria-label', 'Sort table columns');
          let selectSortOptions = `<option value="">Sort by</option>`;
          mobileSortableColumns.forEach( (value, key) => {
            selectSortOptions += `
              <option data-sort_index="${key}" data-sort_dir="asc" value="${key}">${value} - ascending</option>
              <option data-sort_index="${key}" data-sort_dir="desc" value="${key}">${value} - descending</option>
          selectSort.innerHTML = selectSortOptions;
          selectSort.addEventListener('change', (e) => {
            const selected =[],
              selectedIndex = selected.dataset.sort_index,
              selectedDir = selected.dataset.sort_dir;
            ascending = (selectedDir == "asc") ? true: false;
            sortRowsByIndex(table, selectedIndex); 
          // Insert select
          const thead = table.querySelector('thead');
          thead.parentNode.insertBefore(selectSort, thead);
    export const uolTableSticky = () => {
      const tHeads = document.querySelectorAll('.uol-index-table thead')
      tHeads.forEach( (thead) => {
        (new IntersectionObserver(function(e,options){
          } else {
  • URL: /components/raw/uol-index-table/index-table.module.js
  • Filesystem Path: src/library/02-components/index-table/index-table.module.js
  • Size: 6.3 KB
  "tables": [
      "stackable": true,
      "caption": "Staff",
      "headings": [
          "image_column": true,
          "label": "Name"
          "label": "Role"
          "label": "Department"
      "rows": [
          "cells": [
              "img": {
                "type": "profile",
                "src": "/placeholders/ph-profile-student-02.jpg",
                "alt": "Aliza Carpenter photo"
              "content": "Aliza Carpenter"
              "content": "Data Analyst"
              "content": "IT"
          "cells": [
              "img": {
                "type": "profile",
                "src": "/placeholders/ph-profile-student-01.jpg",
                "alt": "Zakaria Healy photo"
              "content": "Zakaria Healy"
              "content": "System Administrator"
              "content": "IT"
          "cells": [
              "img": {
                "type": "profile"
              "content": "Ameena Donovan"
              "content": "QA Tester"
              "content": "IT"
          "cells": [
              "img": {
                "type": "profile",
                "src": "/placeholders/ph-profile-student-04.jpg",
                "alt": "Melanie Alston photo"
              "content": "Melanie Alston"
              "content": "Network Administrator"
              "content": "IT"
          "cells": [
              "img": {
                "type": "profile",
                "src": "/placeholders/ph-profile-student-05.jpg",
                "alt": "Nicky Roberson photo"
              "content": "Nicky Roberson"
              "content": "Database Administrator"
              "content": "IT"
          "cells": [
              "img": {
                "type": "profile",
                "src": "/placeholders/ph-profile-student-06.jpg",
                "alt": "Callie Barclay photo"
              "content": "Callie Barclay"
              "content": "Network Technician"
              "content": "IT"
          "cells": [
              "img": {
                "type": "profile",
                "src": "/placeholders/ph-profile-student-07.jpg",
                "alt": "Caolan Stout photo"
              "content": "Caolan Stout"
              "content": "Devops Engineer"
              "content": "IT"