A general article template to support a variety of uses including:

  • Default
  • News
  • Event
  • Profile
  • Person Insight
  • Blog
  • Buildings and rooms page

The visual layouts for each are article type are selected using the article_type option.


Name Type Description
article_type string Optional Used to control layout variations. Supports:
‘news’, ‘event’, ‘profile’, ‘person-insight’, ‘form-map’

See the context tab of each variant for examples of the data needed to populate each article type.

The following sections detail what goes in to each specific article pattern.

Default Article content

Must have

At least one paragraph.

Could include any of the following:

Headings H2 - 6 Intro paragraph Paragraph Category (link) Images - single and multiple Videos - single and multiple Blockquote Highlight Accordians Lists (ordered and unordered) Tables Links CTA (Calls to action button) - editable to be dispalyed anywhere within the content block. Related events suppliment Side navigation

Should not display the following patterns:

Related news suppliment Multi page document (previous /next) Marketing profile suppliment Pullquotes

Article: News

Article: News: Page heading component

(See page heading component and context tab for config structure)

  • Event title (H1)
  • Link to event category
  • Date

Article: News: Featured image component (optional)

Article: News: Article content

Must have at least one paragraph.

Other information as per the default options above

Article: Event

Article: Event: Page heading component

(See page heading component and context tab for config structure)

  • Event title (H1)
  • Link to event category

Article: Event: Info list component

  • First item to show Event date in format Thursday 3 December 2020

Further event information eg:

  • Time: 6pm-7pm
  • Location: Online via Zoom Webinar
  • Type: Lectures and seminars
  • Audience: Open to general public

Article: Event: Featured image component (optional)

Article: Event: Article content

Must have at least one paragraph.

Other information as per the default options above

Article: Person Insight

The person insight variant of the article pattern follows a similar structure to other particle patterns, although mark up is slightly different - specifically the @uol-info-list is placed within the header (other patterns include this with the article content) in order to align content with designs.

@uol-profile-image - compulsory image with square dimensions at least 300px. Must be headshot of person. Note this image is cropped to a circle when choosing your square image.


For this pattern the info list component can contain any number of items (eg. course, year of graduation, nationality) but advised to be no more than four items.

Article: form-map

This variant of the article pattern is currently only used for the buildings and rooms page and should not be used for anything else. Example: @uol-example-article–buildings-and-rooms

<div class="uol-article-container uol-col-container">

  {% if article_highlight %}
    {% render '@uol-article-highlight', { article_highlight: article_highlight }  %}
  {% endif %}

  {% render '@uol-side-nav-container' %}
  <main id="main" tabindex="-1" class="uol-article {{ 'uol-article--' + article_type if article_type }}">

    {% if article_type == "person-insight" %}
      <div class="uol-article__head">
        <div class="uol-article__head__heading-text">
          {% render '@uol-page-heading', { page_heading: page_heading } %}
          {% render '@uol-info-list', { info_list: info_list } %}
        {% render '@uol-profile-image', { profile_image: profile_image } %}

      <div class="uol-article__content">
        {% render '@uol-image-featured', { image_featured: image_featured } %}
        {% render '@uol-article-content', { article: article } %}
        {% render '@uol-article-section', { sections: sections } %}
    {% elseif article_type == "form-map" %}
        <div class="uol-article__head">
        {% render '@uol-page-heading', { page_heading: page_heading } %}
        {% render '@uol-cms-container', { content: rich_text_content,
                                          lead: rich_text_lead } %}
      <div class="uol-article__content">
        <div class="uol-rich-text">
          {% render '@uol-form', { form: form } %}
          {% render '@uol-iframe', { iframe: iframe } %}
        {% render '@uol-info-list', { info_list: info_list } %}
        {% render '@uol-image-featured', { image_featured: image_featured } %}
        {% render '@uol-article-content', { article: article } %}
        {% render '@uol-article-section', { sections: sections } %}
        {% render '@uol-accordion', { accordions: accordions } %}
    {% else %}
      <div class="uol-article__head">
        {% if profile_image %}
          <div class="uol-article__head__image-container">
            {% render '@uol-profile-image', { profile_image: profile_image } %}
          {% render '@uol-page-heading', { page_heading: page_heading } %}
        {% else %}
          <div class="uol-article__no-profile-image">
            {% render '@uol-page-heading', { page_heading: page_heading } %}
        {% endif %}

      <div class="uol-article__content">
        {% render '@uol-info-list', { info_list: info_list } %}
        {% render '@uol-image-featured', { image_featured: image_featured } %}
        {% render '@uol-article-content', { article: article } %}
        {% render '@uol-article-section', { sections: sections } %}
        {% render '@uol-accordion', { accordions: accordions } %}
    {% endif %}

    {% for supplement in supplements %}
      {% render '@uol-supplement-' + supplement.type, supplement.context %}
    {% endfor %}

    {% if widgets | length %}
      <div class="uol-article__widgets">
        {% for widget in widgets %}
          {% render '@uol-widget-' + widget.type, {
            widget_title: widget.title,
            events: widget.events,
            cards: widget.cards
          } %}
        {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}

<div class="uol-article-container uol-col-container">

    <div class="uol-side-nav-container"></div>

    <main id="main" tabindex="-1" class="uol-article uol-article--event">

        <div class="uol-article__head">

            <div class="uol-article__no-profile-image">
                <header class="page-heading">

                    <h1 class="page-heading__title">
                        <span class="page-heading__title__main">Forecasting Our Future: A conversation with Dr Katharine Hayhoe</span>


                    <dl class="page-heading__meta">

                        <div class="page-heading__meta__group">
                            <dt class="page-heading__meta__term">Category</dt>

                            <dd class="page-heading__meta__data">

                                <a class="page-heading__meta__data__link" href="/category/lectures-seminars">

                                    Lectures and seminars








        <div class="uol-article__content">

            <div class="uol-info-list-container">
                <dl class="uol-info-list ">

                    <div class="uol-info-list__group">
                        <dt class="uol-info-list__term uol-info-list__term--hidden">Date</dt>

                        <dd class="uol-info-list__data uol-info-list__data--date">

                            Thursday 3 December 2020



                    <div class="uol-info-list__group">
                        <dt class="uol-info-list__term ">Time</dt>

                        <dd class="uol-info-list__data ">




                    <div class="uol-info-list__group">
                        <dt class="uol-info-list__term ">Location</dt>

                        <dd class="uol-info-list__data ">

                            Online via Zoom Webinar



                    <div class="uol-info-list__group">
                        <dt class="uol-info-list__term ">Type</dt>

                        <dd class="uol-info-list__data ">

                            Lectures and seminars



                    <div class="uol-info-list__group">
                        <dt class="uol-info-list__term ">Audience</dt>

                        <dd class="uol-info-list__data ">

                            Open to general public



                    <div class="uol-info-list__group">
                        <dt class="uol-info-list__term uol-info-list__term--hidden">Register</dt>

                        <dd class="uol-info-list__data uol-info-list__data--button">

                            <a class="uol-info-list__data__button uol-arrow-link" href="/event-register-1">Register for webinar</a>




            <figure class="uol-featured-image">
                <img class="uol-featured-image__img" src="/placeholders/ph-event-05.jpg" alt="Night sky filled with stars">

                <figcaption class="uol-featured-image__caption">
                    Photograph: Courtesy of Dr Katharine Hayhoe


            <div class="uol-rich-text uol-rich-text--with-lead">

                <p>Hear from award-winning climate scientist, Dr Katharine Hayhoe, about how best to prepare for the risks posed by climate change, and how to translate climate science into actionable planning.</p>

                <p>Increasingly, the impacts of climate change are never far from the headlines. Calls for climate action are getting steadily louder but global alignment is far from a reality.</p>
                <p>How will climate change affect the places we call home, now and in the future? Against a backdrop of international (dis)agreement, how might local action contribute to broader transformational change? Join us to hear from award-winning climate scientist, Dr Katharine Hayhoe, who will discuss how best to prepare for the risks posed by climate change, and how to translate climate science into actionable planning for resilience at the local scale.</p>

                <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/AjvkAkHZAzc" title="YouTube video player - Studying abroad" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

                <h2>The desire to change</h2>

                <p>Professor Hayhoe was awarded the United Nation's highest environmental honour in 2019, declared a 'Champion of the Earth'. She has made it her life's mission to talk to people about climate change. But she says she's not so much trying to 'convert' people to the climate cause, as show them why they already care.</p>

                <p>"By rejecting the narrative that climate change is a false, environmental, earth-worshipping religion, we were able to have a really constructive conversation that began with what we agreed on. We both believe in God. We both believe that God gave us the sound minds that we have. What do we see when we use that mind? That's the key."</p>

                <p>"Even though most objections to climate change are couched in science-y sounding terms, if you have a conversation with anyone about this for longer than one minute, nine times out of ten it takes an abrupt right turn into, 'I don't want to … [fill in the blank'. I don't want a carbon tax. I don't want to destroy the economy. I don't want the government telling me what to do.</p>

                    <p>99.9 per cent of our objects to climate change have nothing to do with the science. They have everything to do solution aversion.</p>

                <p>"99.9 per cent of our objects to climate change have nothing to do with the science. They have everything to do solution aversion. We think the only solutions are negative or punitive or harmful. So bonding over shared values, connecting to how climate change is affecting us here and now - today - and then inspiring with a solution that could actually make a difference - it could save us money; it could help poor people; it could lead to cleaner air; it could help us be better stewards of God's creation, and so on."</p>

                <h2>About Katharine Hayhoe</h2>

                <p>Katharine Hayhoe is an atmospheric scientist whose research focuses on understanding what climate change means for people and the places where we live. She is a professor at Texas Tech University, she hosts the PBS digital series Global Weirding, and she has been named one of TIME&apos;s 100 Most Influential People and Fortune&apos;s 50 World&apos;s Greatest Leaders. She is also the namesake of a meeting room in the Priestley Centre!</p>

                <div class="uol-in-text-cta">
                    <h2 class="uol-in-text-cta__heading">
                        <a class="uol-in-text-cta__link" href="/">Register to attend</a>
                    <p class="uol-in-text-cta__text">As this is an online event, please register so we can send you the link. </p>



  • Content:
    Article default
    - [ ] Article image full width at >=600px <768
    - [ ] Check if full width also applies to video embeds
    - [ ] Work out how to handle less than full with images
  • URL: /components/raw/uol-article/TODO.md
  • Filesystem Path: src/library/03-patterns/article/TODO.md
  • Size: 175 Bytes
  • Content:
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  "page_heading": {
    "title": "Forecasting Our Future: A conversation with Dr Katharine Hayhoe",
    "meta": [
        "name": "Category",
        "values": [
            "label": "Lectures and seminars",
            "url": "/category/lectures-seminars"
  "image_featured": {
    "src": "/placeholders/ph-event-05.jpg",
    "alt": "Night sky filled with stars",
    "caption": "Photograph: Courtesy of Dr Katharine Hayhoe"
  "article": {
    "style_lead": true,
    "content": "\n          <p>Hear from award-winning climate scientist, Dr Katharine Hayhoe, about how best to prepare for the risks posed by climate change, and how to translate climate science into actionable planning.</p>\n          \n          <p>Increasingly, the impacts of climate change are never far from the headlines. Calls for climate action are getting steadily louder but global alignment is far from a reality.</p><p>How will climate change affect the places we call home, now and in the future? Against a backdrop of international (dis)agreement, how might local action contribute to broader transformational change? Join us to hear from award-winning climate scientist, Dr Katharine Hayhoe, who will discuss how best to prepare for the risks posed by climate change, and how to translate climate science into actionable planning for resilience at the local scale.</p>\n          \n          <iframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/AjvkAkHZAzc\" title=\"YouTube video player - Studying abroad\" allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture\" allowfullscreen></iframe>\n\n          <h2>The desire to change</h2>\n          \n          <p>Professor Hayhoe was awarded the United Nation's highest environmental honour in 2019, declared a 'Champion of the Earth'. She has made it her life's mission to talk to people about climate change. But she says she's not so much trying to 'convert' people to the climate cause, as show them why they already care.</p>        \n\n          <p>\"By rejecting the narrative that climate change is a false, environmental, earth-worshipping religion, we were able to have a really constructive conversation that began with what we agreed on. We both believe in God. We both believe that God gave us the sound minds that we have. What do we see when we use that mind? That's the key.\"</p>\n                    \n          <p>\"Even though most objections to climate change are couched in science-y sounding terms, if you have a conversation with anyone about this for longer than one minute, nine times out of ten it takes an abrupt right turn into, 'I don't want to … [fill in the blank'. I don't want a carbon tax. I don't want to destroy the economy. I don't want the government telling me what to do.</p>\n\n\n          <blockquote>\n          <p>99.9 per cent of our objects to climate change have nothing to do with the science. They have everything to do solution aversion.</p>\n          </blockquote>\n\n          <p>\"99.9 per cent of our objects to climate change have nothing to do with the science. They have everything to do solution aversion. We think the only solutions are negative or punitive or harmful. So bonding over shared values, connecting to how climate change is affecting us here and now - today - and then inspiring with a solution that could actually make a difference - it could save us money; it could help poor people; it could lead to cleaner air; it could help us be better stewards of God's creation, and so on.\"</p>\n\n          <h2>About Katharine Hayhoe</h2>\n\n          <p>Katharine Hayhoe is an atmospheric scientist whose research focuses on understanding what climate change means for people and the places where we live. She is a professor at Texas Tech University, she hosts the PBS digital series Global Weirding, and she has been named one of TIME&apos;s 100 Most Influential People and Fortune&apos;s 50 World&apos;s Greatest Leaders. She is also the namesake of a meeting room in the Priestley Centre!</p>\n          \n          <div class=\"uol-in-text-cta\">\n            <h2 class=\"uol-in-text-cta__heading\">\n                <a class=\"uol-in-text-cta__link\" href=\"/\">Register to attend</a>\n            </h2>\n            <p class=\"uol-in-text-cta__text\">As this is an online event, please register so we can send you the link.  </p>\n          </div>"
  "article_type": "event",
  "info_list": [
      "term": "Date",
      "term_hide": true,
      "data": [
          "type": "date",
          "label": "Thursday 3 December 2020"
      "term": "Time",
      "data": [
          "label": "6pm-7pm"
      "term": "Location",
      "data": [
          "label": "Online via Zoom Webinar"
      "term": "Type",
      "data": [
          "label": "Lectures and seminars"
      "term": "Audience",
      "data": [
          "label": "Open to general public"
      "term": "Register",
      "term_hide": true,
      "data": [
          "type": "button",
          "label": "Register for webinar",
          "url": "/event-register-1"