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  • Content:
    # Undergraduate pages to do
    The following items follow implementation of coursefinder course pages and subsequent design review.
    These tasks are split into two, tasks specific to coursefinder pages alone, and generic spacing tasks (which will improve layout of coursefinder pages)
    ## Completed
    - [x] Table full width for all tables in content areas
    - [x] Images - check horizontal and vertical spacing against designs
    - [x] Image: margin t32 b32, >768 t48, b48
    - [x] h2-h6: margin t32 b8, >768 t48, b16
    - [x] Highlight - check horizontal and vertical spacing against designs
    - [x] text-highlight (in component): margin t32 b32 all viewpoints  
    - [x] text-highlight (in component): border 4px all viewpoints
    - [x] text-highlight (in component): padding 16tblr, >768 padding 16tb 32lr
    - [x] Student profile: margin t32, >768 t48
    - [x] h1: margin t16, >768 t24
    - [x] Small red line above h1: margin t24, >768 t32, >1024 t48
    - [x] Breadcrumb horizontal positioning for tablet wrong (fixed in component)
    - [x] Paragraph intro - check horizontal and vertical spacing against designs
    - [x] Blockquotes - check horizontal and vertical spacing against designs
    - [x] Accordion - check horizontal and vertical spacing against designs
    - [x] Lists - check horizontal and vertical spacing against designs
    - [x] Tables - check horizontal and vertical spacing against designs
    - [x] Video - check horizontal and vertical spacing against designs
    - [x] Article accent bar to be one column
    - [x] Table column consistency (To discuss with back-end implementation) 
    - [x] Key facts horizontal scrolling
    - [x] Remove accreditations logos (Agreed we keep)
    - [x] Change status to prototype for each coursefinder config
    - [x] Changed text highlight - to be reviewed within pages
    ## Each of Undergrad, Masters and Online
    - [x] MC Spacing above and below year of entry
    - [x] MC Spacing above and below global marketing banner 
    - [x] MC Spacing above and below key facts
    - [x] PB check with designers - Needs related content updating, perhaps use same from 'Undergraduates'
    - [x] Updated config so left hand options link to page on published versions
    - [x] PB Width of CTA in Course details pages may need further CSS work, to look into
    ## 1. Undergraduate section
    - [x] Updated course image
    - [x] Updated youTube video
    Course details
    - [x] Fieldwork paragraph is split up into more paragraph on the design
    - [x] MC Added year 3 compulsory and optional modules
    - [x] Added in text Accreditation section and logo
    Career Opportunities
    - [x] PB Update profile image
    Study Abroard 
    - [x] PB Update profile image
    ## 2. Masters section
    - [x] Took out generic content block with placeholder content
    - [x] Left hand nav added
    - [x] Updated course image
    - [x] Text highlight component content is different on design
    - [x] PB In text CTA is missing (from build), check with designers for copy on this
    - [x] Last bullet point missing off 'Course highlights' section
    - [x] 'Special facilities' section 'Find out more about...' should be separate paragraph 
    - [x] Updated youTube video
    - [x] Has 'Staff profile' on the design (missing from build)
    - [x] PB Correct image needed for 'Staff profile'
    - [x] PB Add 'Rankings and Awards' to the masters overview design
    - [x] Added correct key facts
    Course details
    - [x] Second paragraph is split up more on design 'In the first term...', has link on 'School of computing'
    - [x] MC Split up course details content as per design
    - [x] 'How to apply' section has additional char '>' (on build)
    - [x] PB Has place holder CTA in design, maybe best check with designers for content
    Career Opportunities
    - [x] PB Add missing student profile (see design)
    3. Online section
    - [x] Left hand nav added
    - [x] Took out generic content block with placeholder content
    Across all pages in Online
    - [x] Course title needs adding 'Artificial Intelligence' MSc
    - [x] Updated course image
    - [x] MC Different copy on design
    - [x] MC Put in correct youTube video in
    - [x] Removed global marketing banner
    - [x] Get key facts from course page
    Course details
    - [x] Bit of copy missing off second table title '(Selection of typical title...'
    - [x] PB CTA is on design at bottom (not on build) but need to check with designers regarding content
    Remaining TODO 14:05 21 Oct
    (To fix before LAST dev)
    - [x] MC Related courses pages large space at the top of each grey card
    - [x] MC UG Overview - remove accred logos from bottom
    - [x] MC All - correct gap under page nav
    - [x] MC When no key facts, vertical gap to content too big
    - [x] PB Check top links on online courses - breadcrumb to say Online or Pearson?
    (May be picked up by designers)
    - [ ] Generic - p before ul, smaller spacing? Spacing after ul? 
    - [ ] PB Table text small (see course details page)
    - [ ] PB speak to JH about CTAs
    - [ ] UG Careers - profile pic low res
    - [ ] MC Top nav - link to overview page for each course potentially?
    - [ ] Online apply page - apply form telephone number weird for mobile
  • URL: /components/raw/uol-coursefinder-undergraduate/
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  "local_navigation": [
      "title": "Home",
      "url": "/"
      "title": "Undergraduate courses",
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      "url": "/masters-courses"
  "local_masthead": {
    "site_name": "Course Search",
    "site_url": "/"
  "page_heading": {
    "title": "Geography BA"
  "marketing_banner": {
    "title": "Autumn Open Days – 12th September and 8th October",
    "description": "Find out about our undergraduate courses and campus facilities and get a taste of student life.",
    "link": {
      "text": "Register your interest",
      "href": "/open-days-register"
  "year_of_entry": {
    "year": "2022",
    "alternate_year": "2023",
    "alternate_year_url": "/some-link-here"
  "breadcrumbs": [
      "title": "Undergraduate course search",
      "href": "/"
  "detail_nav": {
    "links": [
        "url": "uol-coursefinder-undergraduate--course-overview.html",
        "title": "Course overview"
        "url": "uol-coursefinder-undergraduate--course-details.html",
        "title": "Course details",
        "current": true
        "url": "uol-coursefinder-undergraduate--entry-requirements.html",
        "title": "Entry requirements"
        "url": "uol-coursefinder-undergraduate--fees.html",
        "title": "Fees"
        "url": "uol-coursefinder-undergraduate--applying.html",
        "title": "Applying"
        "url": "uol-coursefinder-undergraduate--career-opportunities.html",
        "title": "Career opportunities"
        "url": "uol-coursefinder-undergraduate--study-abroad-and-work-placements.html",
        "title": "Study abroad and work placements"
        "url": "uol-coursefinder-undergraduate--related-courses.html",
        "title": "Related courses"
  "related_content": {
    "title": "Related content",
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        "heading": {
          "text": "Campus Life",
          "url": "/related"
        "content": "Explore our academic facilities, social spaces and campus landmarks."
        "heading": {
          "text": "Admissions Enquiries"
        "links": [
            "type": "phone",
            "label": "+44 (0)113 3433213",
            "url": "+441133433212"
            "type": "email",
            "label": "",
            "url": ""
  "article": {
    "style_lead": true,
    "content": "\n          <h2>Course details</h2>\n\n          <p>Each year of this programme is designed around a combination of compulsory core modules, as well as opportunities to take optional modules and discovery modules across the University so you can choose additional subjects of interest.</p>\n\n          <h3>Year one</h3>\n\n          <p>You&apos;ll develop a grounding in the core concepts and themes of human geography, plus key academic writing and digital learning skills. Core modules explore different geographies of a changing world, including economic globalisation, neighbourhood change, urbanisation and cities, migration, health, development, environmental management and sustainability. We focus on issues of justice, difference, identity, nature, space and place across different scales and ideologies.</p>\n\n          <h3>Quantitative Research Methods pathway</h3>\n\n          <p>At the end of year one, you will have the opportunity to request a place on our BA Geography with Quantitative Methods programme, subject to meeting the entry requirements.</p>\n\n          <p>The programme will help you to develop advanced analytical skills, which are in high demand across the public, private, and third sectors. You will learn spatial and statistical analysis techniques and their application to &apos;real&apos; problems (e.g. in crime, health, transport, business, planning and environment).</p>\n\n          <p>Find out more about the <a href=\"#\">Quantitative Research Methods pathway</a>.</p>\n\n          <h3>Year two</h3>\n\n          <p>You&apos;ll be provided with a core programme of research and career skills training that you&apos;ll supplement from optional modules that cover geo-politics and international development, service analysis and planning, economic geography, the development of modern cities, citizenship and identity, protest and resistance, natural resource management, and sustainable transport.</p>\n\n          <h3>Year three</h3>\n\n          <p>You&apos;ll be required to undertake a significant independent final year project - currently a dissertation - alongside a suite of optional modules that cover subjects such as urban social movements, creating alternative futures, population and health geographies, location analysis, global insecurities, migration and encounter, and healthy transport. You will also have the choice of a research, work or teacher placement module.</p>\n\n          <h3>Placement/study abroad year</h3>\n\n          <p>At the end of year two, you can decide if you&apos;d like to complete an <a href=\"#\">industrial placement</a> or <a href=\"#\">study abroad year</a>, which will extend your degree by 12 months.</p>\n\n          <h3>Fieldwork</h3>\n\n          <p>Ask any of our students and they will tell you that taking part in field trips is one of the most enjoyable and memorable aspects of the geography programmes at Leeds.</p>\n\n          <p>We offer <a href=\"#\">fieldwork</a> opportunities at each level of study and they provide a great opportunity to study a fascinating subject in contrasting environments away from the University. In year one you will use Leeds as your 'laboratory&apos;, carrying out group work around the city you live in and in years two and three you will have the option to undertake field work overseas.</p>\n\n          <p>During field trips you will learn essential fieldwork and team working skills and transferable skills that will prove invaluable to your future career.</p>\n\n          <h3>Course structure</h3>\n\n          <p>The list shown below represents typical modules/components studied and may change from time to time. Read more in our <a href=\"#\">Terms and conditions</a>.</p>\n          <p>For more information and a full list of typical modules available on this course, <a href=\"#\">please read Geography BA in the course catalogue</a>.</p>\n          \n          <h4>Year 1 compulsory modules</h4>\n          <table>\n            <thead>\n              <tr>\n                <th style=\"width:20%\">Module Id</th>\n                <th style=\"width:20%\">Module Name</th>\n                <th style=\"width:10%\">Credits</th>\n              </tr>\n            </thead>\n            <tbody>\n              <tr>\n                <td><a href=\"#\">GEOG100</a></td>\n                <td>Planet Under Threat</td>\n                <td>20</td>\n              </tr>\n              <tr>\n                <td><a href=\"#\">GEOG1400</a></td>\n                <td>Digital Geographies</td>\n                <td>20</td>\n              </tr>\n              <tr>\n                <td><a href=\"#\">GEOG1450</a></td>\n                <td>The Urban Age\t</td>\n                <td>20</td>\n              </tr>\n              <tr>\n                <td><a href=\"#\">GEOG1450</a></td>\n                <td>Global Geopolitics, Migration and Uneven Development</td>\n                <td>20</td>\n              </tr>\n              <tr>\n                <td><a href=\"#\">GEOG1550</a></td>\n                <td>Population, Society and Space</td>\n                <td>20</td>\n              </tr>\n            </tbody>\n          </table>\n          \n          <h4>Year 2 compulsory modules</h4>\n          <table>\n            <thead>\n              <tr>\n                <th style=\"width:20%\">Module Id</th>\n                <th style=\"width:20%\">Module Name</th>\n                <th style=\"width:10%\">Credits</th>\n              </tr>\n            </thead>\n            <tbody>\n              <tr>\n                <td><a href=\"#\">GEOG100</a></td>\n                <td>Research Approaches in Human Geography</td>\n                <td>20</td>\n              </tr>\n              <tr>\n                <td><a href=\"#\">GEOG1400</a></td>\n                <td>Digital Geographies</td>\n                <td>20</td>\n              </tr>\n              <tr>\n                <td><a href=\"#\">GEOG1450</a></td>\n                <td>The Urban Age</td>\n                <td>20</td>\n              </tr>\n              <tr>\n                <td><a href=\"#\">GEOG1450</a></td>\n                <td>Social and Spatial Data Analysis with GIS</td>\n                <td>20</td>\n              </tr>\n\n            </tbody>\n          </table>\n          \n          <h4>Year 2 optional modules</h4>\n          <table>\n            <thead>\n              <tr>\n                <th style=\"width:20%\">Module Id</th>\n                <th style=\"width:20%\">Module Name</th>\n                <th style=\"width:10%\">Credits</th>\n              </tr>\n            </thead>\n            <tbody>\n              <tr>\n                <td><a href=\"#\">GEOG1770</a></td>\n                <td>Political and Development Geographies</td>\n                <td>20</td>\n              </tr>\n              <tr>\n                <td><a href=\"#\">GEOG1460</a></td>\n                <td>Geographies of Economies</td>\n                <td>20</td>\n              </tr>\n              <tr>\n                <td><a href=\"#\">GEOG1650</a></td>\n                <td>The Making of the Modern City</td>\n                <td>20</td>\n              </tr>\n              <tr>\n                <td><a href=\"#\">GEOG1840</a></td>\n                <td>Citizenship and Identity: Comparative Perspectives</td>\n                <td>20</td>\n              </tr>\n              <tr>\n                <td><a href=\"#\">GEOG8496</a></td>\n                <td>Living within limits: natural resource management for sustainable development</td>\n                <td>20</td>\n              </tr>\n              <tr>\n                <td><a href=\"#\">GEOG9602</a></td>\n                <td>Planning Services for Changing Populations</td>\n                <td>20</td>\n              </tr>\n              <tr>\n                <td><a href=\"#\">GEOG0742</a></td>\n                <td>Social Ecological Systems</td>\n                <td>20</td>\n              </tr>\n              <tr>\n                <td><a href=\"#\">GEOG5419</a></td>\n                <td>Transport Land Use and Development</td>\n                <td>20</td>\n              </tr>\n              <tr>\n                <td><a href=\"#\">GEOG3249</a></td>\n                <td>Transport, Energy and Environment</td>\n                <td>20</td>\n              </tr>\n              <tr>\n                <td><a href=\"#\">GEOG1780</a></td>\n                <td>Key challengues in Transport and Society </td>\n                <td>20</td>\n              </tr>\n              <tr>\n                <td><a href=\"#\">GEOG1457</a></td>\n                <td>Exploring Transport and Society </td>\n                <td>20</td>\n              </tr>\n            </tbody>\n          </table>\n          \n          <h4>Year 3 compulsory modules</h4>\n          <table>\n            <thead>\n              <tr>\n                <th style=\"width:20%\">Module Id</th>\n                <th style=\"width:20%\">Module Name</th>\n                <th style=\"width:10%\">Credits</th>\n              </tr>\n            </thead>\n            <tbody>\n              <tr>\n                <td><a href=\"#\">GEOG170</a></td>\n                <td>Human Geography Dissertation</td>\n                <td>40</td>\n              </tr>\n            </tbody>\n          </table>\n          \n          <h4>Year 3 optional modules </h4>\n          <table>\n            <thead>\n              <tr>\n                <th style=\"width:20%\">Module Id</th>\n                <th style=\"width:20%\">Module Name</th>\n                <th style=\"width:10%\">Credits</th>\n              </tr>\n            </thead>\n            <tbody>\n              <tr>\n                <td><a href=\"#\">GEOG</a></td>\n                <td>GEOG1770          Retail Location Planning\t</td>\n                <td>20</td>\n              </tr>\n              <tr>\n                <td><a href=\"#\">GEOG</a></td>\n                <td>GEOG1460          Contested Cities</td>\n                <td>20</td>\n              </tr>\n              <tr>\n                <td><a href=\"#\">GEOG1650</a></td>\n                <td>Creating Alternative Futures</td>\n                <td>20</td>\n              </tr>\n              <tr>\n                <td><a href=\"#\">GEOG1840</a></td>\n                <td>Advanced Population & Health Geographies</td>\n                <td>20</td>\n              </tr>\n              <tr>\n                <td><a href=\"#\">GEOG9602</a></td>\n                <td>Geocomputation and Spatial Analysis</td>\n                <td>20</td>\n              </tr>\n              <tr>\n                <td><a href=\"#\">GEOG0742</a></td>\n                <td>Geographies of Global Insecurities</td>\n                <td>20</td>\n              </tr>\n              <tr>\n                <td><a href=\"#\">GEOG5419</a></td>\n                <td>Environment, Conflict and Policy</td>\n                <td>20</td>\n              </tr>\n              <tr>\n                <td><a href=\"#\">GEOG3249</a></td>\n                <td>Professional Development Project</td>\n                <td>20</td>\n              </tr>\n              <tr>\n                <td><a href=\"#\">GEOG1780</a></td>\n                <td>School and Educational Placements </td>\n                <td>20</td>\n              </tr>\n              <tr>\n                <td><a href=\"#\">GEOG1457</a></td>\n                <td>Spaces of Migration and Encounter</td>\n                <td>20</td>\n              </tr>\n              <tr>\n                <td><a href=\"#\">GEOG1457</a></td>\n                <td>Introduction to Programming for Social Science</td>\n                <td>20</td>\n              </tr>\n              <tr>\n                <td><a href=\"#\">GEOG1457</a></td>\n                <td>Travel Activity Analysis</td>\n                <td>20</td>\n              </tr>\n              <tr>\n                <td><a href=\"#\">GEOG1457</a></td>\n                <td>Social Analysis and Social Psychology for Transport</td>\n                <td>20</td>\n              </tr>\n              <tr>\n                <td><a href=\"#\">GEOG1457</a></td>\n                <td>Healthy Cities: Transport and Health</td>\n                <td>20</td>\n              </tr>\n\n            </tbody>\n          </table>\n          <h2>Discovery modules</h2>\n\n          <p>Throughout your degree you will benefit from a range of opportunities to expand your intellectual horizons outside or within your subject area.</p>\n\n          <p>This course gives you the opportunity to choose from a range of discovery modules. They&apos;re a great way to tailor your study around your interests or career aspirations and help you stand out from the crowd when you graduate. Find out more about discovery modules on our Broadening webpages.</p><h2>Learning and teaching</h2>\n\n          <p>As a geography student at Leeds we ensure that you benefit from a wide range of teaching methods, including lectures, tutorials (groups of eight), seminars (groups of approximately 30), computer classes, lab practical classes, group-work, online exercises and fieldwork, depending on the modules you study.</p>\n\n          <p>Independent study is also an important part of this course, and will develop your research and analytical skills in order to think and work independently. You&apos;ll receive guidance and support throughout your degree, and there will be opportunities for extra support through one-to-one assistance, workshops and training.</p>\n\n          <p>You&apos;ll be assigned a personal tutor to guide you through your studies, and you will receive support from fellow students through our peer mentoring scheme. Peer mentors are students who are on your course, but are in Years two or three. They&apos;ll help you when you arrive at University and throughout your first year. You&apos;ll meet your peer mentors during your first week for a social activity.</p>\n\n          <p>Our Virtual Learning Environment will help to support your studies: it&apos;s a central place where you can find all the information and resources for the School, your programme and modules.</p>\n\n          <p>You can also benefit from support to develop your academic skills, within the curriculum and through online resources, workshops, one-to-one appointments and drop-in sessions.</p>\n\n          <p>Watch our taster lecture to get a flavour of what it&apos;s like to study at Leeds:</p><h2>Assessment</h2>\n\n          <p>Assessment methods include examinations, individual or group reports and presentations, practical exercises, essays, posters, projects (such as the dissertation) and reflective logs.</p><h2>Accreditation</h2>\n\n          <p>This degree is accredited by the <a href=\"#\">Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)</a>.</p>\n\n          <p>Accredited degree programmes contain a solid academic foundation in geographical knowledge and skills, and prepare graduates to address the needs of the world beyond higher education.</p>\n\n          <p>The accreditation criteria require evidence that graduates from accredited programmes meet defined sets of learning outcomes, including subject knowledge, technical ability and transferable skills.</p>\n\n\n          <div class=\"uol-logo-group\">\n            <div class=\"uol-logo-group-item\">\n                <div class=\"uol-logo-group-item__container\">\n                    <img class=\"uol-logo-group-item__logo\" src=\"/placeholders/logo-rgs.svg\" alt=\"Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)\">\n                </div>\n                <a class=\"uol-logo-group-item__link\" href=\"/link\">Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)</a>\n            </div>\n          </div>\n          <iframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"\" title=\"YouTube video player - Student experience - Penelope Milner - Geography BA with Quantitative Methods\" allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture\" allowfullscreen></iframe>"
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      "url": "uol-coursefinder-undergraduate--course-overview.html",
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      "url": "uol-coursefinder-undergraduate--entry-requirements.html",
      "title": "Entry requirements"